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High School AP:Daily Lesson Plans

Targeted Skills and Knowledge Can Do Statement Summative Assessment


Day 1


  • Talk about one’s pets. 
  • Use the new word 享受.
  • Combine the character 享 with other characters to form new words.

Teaching materials
day1_article1  《宠物咖啡馆》

Assign day1_homework before class.

Activity 1.1: Activate student’s prior knowledge: 

  • Divide students into groups of 4.  Every person in each group is given a picture of animal (rabbit, dog, cat, or sheep).  This can be used throughout the unit for grouping purposes.
  • Students in groups discuss the questions: 你有宠物吗?你的宠物是什么? (use day1_handout)
  • Teacher asks 你们组里有几个人有宠物?有什么宠物?
  • Teacher calls on one animal (rabbit, dog, cat, sheep) of each group to report out.  (Student response:  In my group, two people have dogs...etc.)

Activity 1.2: Chinese zodiacs  (day1_ppt, Slide 2-4)

  • Teacher links pets with Chinese zodiac animals. 
    • Review 12 zodiac animals.  
    • Have students in groups to talk about what animals in 12 zodiacs can be pets. Select some students to report.
    • Show the similarity of the two characters: 龙 and 宠.  
    • Ask students’ view about electronic pets.   

Activity 2: Review homework (Slide 5-6)

  • Have students in groups to share their answers for the questions assigned in homework.
  • Teacher selects students to present their groups’ views. 

Activity 3: Use the new word “享受”  (Slides 8-15)

  • Teach the new word享受: components in each character, and the characters’ pronunciation.
  • Ask students to recall the familiar components in 享受 that they have learned before, such as “又” in both   爱 and 受.
  • Task (1) in the handout: Have students in pairs to scan the article 1 《宠物咖啡馆》and find all the word of  享受 in the passage.  
  • Task (2) have students skim the passage and underline  享受什么 in paragraph 2, 3, 4, and 6, and think about the meaning of 享受。
  • Task (3) : select the meaning of 享受。
  • Practice how to use “享受“ in sentences.  

Activity 4: combine characters - 享受,分享,共享

  • Show how the character combines with the characters they have learned the words : 享受,分享,共享
  • Ask students to guess the meaning by combining the two characters (activity 4 in day1_handout
  • Once students know the meanings of the three words.  Have them make three sentences using the new words.
  • Teacher calls on some students to present their sentences.

Activity 5: Summarize the main ideas of Article 1

  • Have students read the article 《宠物咖啡馆》again.
  • Divide them in pairs and each pair works together to fill out the summarizing exercise.
  • Teacher goes over the exercise with the whole class.


Activity 6

  • Divide students in small groups.  Students in each group discuss the questions (see handout Activity 6).  Some answers can be found in Article 1 and some asks students’ own opinions.
Teacher selects students to report their group discussion results.
Day 2 and 3


  1. Can identify key words in the text
  2. Can infer meaning of some vocabulary through the context
  3. Can summarize the main idea of each paragraph and the whole text

Teaching materials:
day2&3_arrticle2 《中国家庭的新成员》(focusing on Paragraph 1, 2)

Activity 1: (slides 1-8)

  1. Review what students have learned in the last class.
  2. Teacher projects the title of the text,《中国家庭的新成员》. Ask students to guess the meaning of the word “成员” and guess the text type.  Is it a story?  A letter? (Slide 3)
  3. Teacher confirms their predication.
  4. Have students to circle “养” in the article and account how many times this character appears in the first paragraph (handout p. 1)
  5. Use the new  character:  “养“

Activity 2: (slides 9-18)

  1. Have students to square the two words: “以前“ 和 “最近” in the first paragraph (handout p. 2)
  2. Fill the phrases along with the two words, and also the sentence following the two words:

_______以前, ______________________
最近____________, ____________________  

  1. Have students use the words “以前“ 和 “最近” to describe the photos in Slide 10-11.
  2. Ask students to use the word 成员to describe the family members in various family types:独生子女家庭,空巢家庭,丁克家庭(Slides 12-15)
  3. Students practice the pattern:  _____ 把______当成家庭成员 to describe the pictures in Slides 16-17.
  4. Students in smalls groups read the first paragraph and find the key sentence of the first paragraph (slide 18).

Activity 3: (slides 19-20)

  1. Divide students in groups of three.  Each group read aloud the second paragraph together.
  2. Students in each group work together to answer the following two questions:
  3. 在中国哪种宠物越来越受欢迎?
  4. 养宠物对大城市生活的人有什么帮助?
  5. Teacher selects students to provide the answers.

Activity 4
: (slide 21-23)
Students work in groups to answer the guiding questions in the chart. The questions are based on the second paragraph.

Activity 5: summary (slide 24)
Students work together to complete the summary of the first two paragraphs of the article 《中国家庭的新成员》(handout p.3)

Activity 6: analogy exercise (slide 25)
*Challenge activity (can be done as homework, handout p. 4)


Watch the video day2_video.  Write 4 sentences in Chinese to report what you see and hear from the video about pets and pet owners.
Day 4 and 5


    • Can identify the details, key points, and structure of the passage.
    • Can summarize the passage.

Teaching materials:
day2&3_arrticle2《中国家庭的新成员》(focusing on Paragraph 3, 4)

Activity 1: jigsaw reading activity (Slides 1-8)

Step 1

  • Print and cut the three types of families 空巢家庭,独生子女家庭,丁克家庭in  day4&5_handout, Activity 1 step 1, p. 1-3), which are described in Paragraph 3, 4 in 《中国家庭的新成员》.   Make them into cards.
  • Divide students into groups of 3, each group 6 students.
  • Give each group 6 cards with the same description of one type of family.  For example, in Group 1, all 6 students receive the same type of family, 空巢家庭.
  • Students in each group help each other to read the paragraph (type of family) in their cards, discuss and answer the two questions in the card.  The goal is to help each other to comprehend the content of the paragraph.
  • Teacher checks each group and makes sure each member in the groups comprehend the content of the paragraph.

Step 2

  • Divide students into groups of 3, grouping based on the number shown on their cards.  So students with the number 1 on their card are in one group.  So in total, there are 6 groups. 
  • In each group, each student has a different card, describing a certain type of family.  
  • The goal in this group discussion is that each student shares the content on his/her card, describing the type of family to the other two students.
  • Teacher checks each group and make sure that all three students comprehend the three types of families.

Step 3 (day4&5_handout, p. 4 Activity 1 step 3)

  • Students stay with the same group: complete the tasks on p. 3 in day4&5_handout, matching the descriptions with pictures of families. 
  • The second task is to find out the similarities among these three types of families.
  • Each group selects one student to write down on the whiteboard: the similarities shared by the three types of families with respect to raising pets.
  • The teacher randomly selects students to share what they write on the whiteboard with the whole class.


Activity 2 Use a graphic organizer (Slides 9-26)

  • Divide students in pairs.  Guide students to re-read the article from paragraph 1-4.
  • First, read the paragraph and fill in the information in the graphic organizer.  Paragraph 1-2 are already filled (see p. 6 in the handout). 
  • Have the students in each pair first read the paragraph 3-4 and fill in the types of family in the form on p. 6 in the handout. Teacher checks their answers.

Activity 3: summarize the article (slides 27-28)

  • Students complete the summary exercise individually on p. 7 in the handout.
  • The teacher checks the answer.


Activity 4: Post-reading discussion

  • Divide students in groups of three.
  • Each group discusses the four questions (on slide 29).
  • After the discussion, teacher asks Question 1.
  • Students form up two lines: those who agree in one line; those who disagree in another line.
  • Teacher randomly selects students from the two lines and have them to express their reasons (or give examples) for agreeing or disagreeing Question 1.  
  • Teacher continues to ask the next three questions, using the same activity (forming two lines, checking students’ reasons).  

Activity 5: Written presentation (slides 30) (p. 8 on the handout)

  • Students complete the outlines by the end of the class.
Students complete the written task in the class next day,
Day 6


  • Can identify the main ideas and supporting details in an article
  • Can explain in speaking and writing the reasons that move pet-industry forward in China.

Teaching materials:
day6_article3  《宠物经济》


Activity 1: Review activity

  • Review Article 2 《中国家庭的新成员》
  • Distribute the handout, day6_handout.  
  • Divide students in groups of 3 students. The students in each group take turns reading the sentence on p. 1 in the handout, and decide which type of the family that each sentence is describing.
  • Use See day6_ppt Slide 3 to check their understanding.
  • After the sentences are reviewed, have students in each group talk about what pets they like to have and why they want to have pets.
  • Teach selects several students to present their views.


Activity 2: Activate learned vocabulary  

  • Distribute Article 3 《宠物经济》
  • Ask students to circle the learned words that they learn in Article 2, such as家庭新成员养宠物,时尚,照顾,花钱,越来越...).  See day6_ppt Slide 4. 
  • Pair work: Student A asks a question using one of the circled words; Student B responds.  Then, reverse the roles.

Activity 3: Pre-Reading

  • Learn new vocabularies (Slides 5-14).
  • Matching game: matching words with pictures (handout p. 2-4).
  • Have students read aloud the three categories: 服务业,产品,职业 on p. 2, and also the new words on p. 3, 宠物商店、宠物医院、宠物美容店、宠物食品店、宠物寄养店、宠物网站、宠物医生、宠物美容师、宠物摄影师 
  • Divide students in pairs.
  • The students in each pair work together to place  each of the photos 宠物商店、宠物医院、宠物美容店、宠物食品店、宠物寄养店、宠物网站、宠物医生、宠物美容师、宠物摄影师 under one of the appropriate categories: 服务业,产品,or 职业.  For example, 宠物医生 is职业; 宠物美容店 is服务业. (Slide 15)
  • Scan Article 3.  Have each student scan Article 3 and circle the three new words: 产品,职业, 服务业 (Slide 16)
  • Ask students to underline 宠物商店、宠物医院、宠物美容店、宠物食品店、宠物寄养店、宠物网站、宠物医生、宠物美容师、宠物摄影师
  • Prediction: Based on the circled and underlined words, have students discuss with a partner to predict what they might learn from this article. Write their prediction down. (Slide 17)

Activity 4:  read and complete a graphic organizer

  • 大家一起读。
  • While reading, teacher checks their understanding by asking questions. For example, when reading  比较晚 asking什么比较晚?为什么比较晚?  
  • After the article is read once, divide students in pairs.  Students in each pair read the article again and complete the graphic organizer on p. 5 in the handout.   (Slides 18-19)
  • Teacher checks their answers.
  • Once the graphic organizer is completed, each pair discusses the following question: 有的人说我们现在过分宠爱(溺爱)我们的宠物了,你同意还是不同意? Discuss with your partner and come up with 3 reasons of agree or not agree. (Slide 20)

Activity 5: Post-reading

  • Evaluation: Multiple-choice items (p. 6 in the handout)

Activity 6: Summative activity- Homework (Slide 21)

  • Writing and Oral report
  • You are attending Shark Tank. Prepare a report about your business plan related pets in China and present it to the whole class.  Include 1) Explain why your store or business will be popular in China.  2) Give 3 reasons to support the claim that your business will be successful.  如果你要去中国开一家跟宠物有关的商店,你会有一家什么样的商店?为什么?(p. 6 in the handout)
Day 7 Formative Assessment on Reading

These two passages are used for formative assessment.  The teacher may use one or both articles, depending on the level/time of the class.  It may also be used for extra practice.  The goal is for students to read independently.

Article 4a:  我真想当一只小狗

Teaching material
day7_article4a and activities

Pre-class activities
Article 4a:

Activity 1:  Have students read the article and fill in the graphic organizer with key information (p. 1-2 in the handout of day7_article4a and activities).

Activity 2:  Comprehension questions for students to complete as homework (handout p. 3).


In-class activities

Activity 1:  Have students share with a partner their graphic organizers and guide students to revise and finalize the graphic organizer.  The answer key for the graphic organizer is provided on p. 3.  Give students the answer key after their discussion.

Activity 2:  Ask students to read the article again.  This time, highlight some key phrases which the AUTHOR would say to the PARENTS.  This helps students identify the Author’s Point of View.  The answers are highlighted in yellow.  Please remove the highlight when making copies for students.

Activity 3:  Have students form groups of 2-3.  Using the key phrases, compose a letter to the parents expressing the author’s point of view.  (handout p. 4).

Alternative assessment: write a journal entry on the dog’s daily life being
in this household. (see more detailed instruction in the handout p. 5).

Article 4b

The purpose of this exercise is for students to read at home aloud and read independently with some online guidance. 

  • Give students the following URL:
  • Once they go to this webpage, they will have the article.  They read aloud.  If they cannot follow along, they can hover over the colored dots, and support will be provided.
  • The guiding supports are:
    1. Read aloud line by line
    2. Graphic / definition provided on less familiar terms
    3. Guided questions for during reading processing
AP Chinese Practice

For students who plan to take AP Chinese Exam, we designed the following exercises are for them to practice.  The exercises were designed based on the content of the 4 articles covered in this unit. 

Teaching materials:
day7_story narration
day7_emial response
day7_culture presentation

Day 8 Summative Assessment

Teaching materials
day8_summative task

Pre-summative Activity
Before you assign the Summative Assessment, guide students to complete pre-summative activity: interpretive listening activity.  The Interpretive Listening Rubric was taken from Senora Chase’s Blog:

Show students the video 《中国人爱养宠物》3 times  

Each time, giving students time to complete each section of the rubric. Some students may only answer 1-2 of the 3 sections. This determines their grade as “C”, “B”, or “A”. The more detail, the higher the grade. (day8_activity)

Summative Assessment (day8_summative task)
After reading about variety of pet owners in China and China’s pet economics,
let’s change roles. You are a pet in China. Please share with your classmate
and teacher your lifestyle using PPT slides of visuals and your presentation.
Please share with use the following:

  • What are some important values and significance of having you in the


  • How are you treated at home by your pet owner?
  • What does your daily routine entail? (spas, parks, etc.)

You are encouraged to use authentic materials. Please use the information you
gathered from the Pre-Summative Assessment Exercise. Limit your
presentation to around 2 minutes. You may not use notecards, but you can

have keywords on the PPT slides.